Welcome to the Training Archive - we have grouped the training by topic eg. show jumping, dressage, cross country,  etc. You can either click on a topic from the list or go straight to an article that catches your eye. Enjoy!

We also have a section on Horse Management - click here to go straight to a list of top tips.

Wishing you and your horse better riding.

Meet your new trainer
Meet Kirstin Kelly, this video is an introduction to her new concept "trainer in my pocket". Kirstin talks about what she is offering riders everywhere. She has lived the dream since leaving school at nineteen. Kirstin spends her days schooling horses for clients and coaching. #ridebetter #jumpbetter
How To Achieve Lightness and Balance Using The Four-Bounce Grid.
The way you sit in between jumps depends on the way your horse goes, you may adapt your seat several times in a round of SJ
Why the walk-trot transition is the first step to riding collection.
A badly ridden transition makes no improvement but a correctly ridden one makes your horse lighter, softer in the back and rein and more balanced.

Video Training Series

New videos are released every two weeks grouped into Show Jumping, Dressage & Cross-Country. Please select the Training Series that you wish to view:

Show Jumping

How To Achieve Lightness and Balance Using The Four-Bounce Grid.
The way you sit in between jumps depends on the way your horse goes, you may adapt your seat several times in a round of SJ
How to improve your release over a jump.
The way you release your hand and elbow over the jump helps your fold and balance.
How to jump spooky jumps.
Jumping a scary filler is nerve racking as you know the horse will jump big.

Click here to see more Show Jumping Training Videos


Why the walk-trot transition is the first step to riding collection.
A badly ridden transition makes no improvement but a correctly ridden one makes your horse lighter, softer in the back and rein and more balanced.
How to stop your horse from falling in.
Riders often kick with the inside leg but forget the importance of the outside rein in balancing the horse.
How to improve your hands.
Riding with balanced, forward-thinking hands is an art and when you achieve this, your horses' contact will improve dramatically

Click here to see more Dressage Training Videos

Cross Country

How to fix your horse stopping at jumps.
Working out whether your horse is naughty or nervous is the first thing you need to figure out, then your response will be correct.
How to stop your horse running off fences.
Opening the hand to stop the horse running off is often the first response but it's not the correct solution.
How to jump drop fences.
Heal down and forward shoulders tall, head up is the only way to jump drops.

Click here to see more Cross Country Training Videos

Horse Management

How to run your horse up correctly.
Whether it be running up for the vet or for competition , it needs to be done right.
Q and A with Dee Sterling discussing Bits and Bridles and injury prevention wear.
There are so many new bits on the market, watch this video and understand how the mouthpieces work.
Q and A with equine nutritionist Luisa Wood.
Listen to the latest research on feeding, preventing ulcers, choosing supplements and more...
Horse and Pony Show Jumping Distances
Easy to follow guide for show jumping distances for horses and ponies.
“Re Mouthing” for a better contact.
Re Mouthing teaches the horse to accept the pressure of the bit and to yield to that pressure.
Sweating,Electrolytes and Cooling Off
Kirstin talks about the why horses sweat, the role of electrolytes and how to cool your horse off after a xc run.
What Studs Does My Horse Need ?
Kirstin talks about the different studs and their uses for the three phases.
Feeding Guidelines
With so much variety on the market today, it can be so hard deciding what feed to give your horse. I explain w
A weekly plan to increase fitness
There are a couple of things to consider when working your horse. You need to do a variety of work that builds stronger muscles, develops clear lungs and increases heart function.
Fitness Tips
Fitness TipsHorse FitnessThere is so much to learn about getting your horse fit but i'm going to start with basic[...]
No Foot, No Horse
No Foot, No HorseAfter weeks of rain and mud I thought I'd share a few tips from Farrier's I trust. In[...]
Changeable weather can lead to the “Rug Dilemma”
Changeable weather can lead to the "Rug Dilemma "Here is a bit of advice taken from an extract written by[...]
Spring Grass Fever
Spring Grass Fever It's that time again when the grass is causing hyper-sensitivity, excess energy and tight muscles. I spoke[...]

Other Videos & Articles

Horse & Pony Masterclass – Developing Rhythm & Consistency
Kirstin helps an event rider develop the rhythm and consistency they need to make the step up to Novice horse trials
Horse & Pony Article – Effective Cross Country Course Walking
Walking the course should be much more than a stroll around chatting with your mates and admiring the scenery – it’s a time for careful observation and, above all, planning
Horse & Pony Dream Lesson – Cross Country Training
Cross Country Confidence - Learning to jump different types of jumps, including combinations and accuracy fences; Improving confidence over ditches
Q and A with equine nutritionist Luisa Wood.
Listen to the latest research on feeding, preventing ulcers, choosing supplements and more...
Q and A with Dee Sterling discussing Bits and Bridles and injury prevention wear.
There are so many new bits on the market, watch this video and understand how the mouthpieces work.


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